Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shinjuku Incident.

I just reached home from the movies.. We; the sibs and some cousins went out to watch "Shinjuku Incident". It was really different. Not the usual action-packed/dare-devil stunts that Jackie Chan used to do though. I don't think he has done something like this before, but still a good movie although it was a rather bit sad. I did shade a few tears. I felt for them. And to actually think that these kinda stuffs are actually really happening is heartbreaking. =(
It kinda scared the shit out of me too, if it was to happen here in Bintulu. Hohh. I don't want that.

Do watch it, it's nice. =)

&People, never forget where you came from; no matter how successful you end up to be. Be proud of your roots and be true to yourself. Always.

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